Content writing professionally

Content writing professionally

Introduction Content writing professionally

What is content writing? First of all, we understand to the point “content” is actually a term of internet which is used widely on the internet. Content is basically the item or we can say the product of the website. Content has many types like videos, audio, photos, text, etc. the term content writing or content making is the same things. But writing is referring to blogs and article writing. 

Where content making is the strategies where something in or format like videos audios photos.  Content writing professionally means the expert person who has deep knowledge about the topic or certain area about he/she wants to write. The professional content means user understandable SEO friendly to rank early on Google and another search engine. Blogs and article content writing is the main part of the content writing on internet it maybe informational content or profitable.

How to write an article?

Article or blogs write is the process of sharing information with reader it maybe through website social media platform or press and newspaper. Blogs post is used for used specific niche related topic which have not too much lengthy in where article is the detail information about any topic which is properly consists of stats and preferences. in such type of article you did not you plagiarize data in your blog or article. 

If you want to make your own blogging site for long term you must need professional content writer for your website. It is the brain storming strategies. Using brain storming you  collect the ideas, stats and facts. Article consists of minimum 800 word to 5000 plus word.

Content writing jobs at Fiverr and Upwork:

 Writing jobs is everywhere in every time. Todays it easy to do this because every website owner need writer and content maker for website. if we talk about the jobs opportunities of this we have hug online platform like Upwork, fiver and many more.

Writer jobs on Upwork:

Upwork is the large platform of the online work where hard-worker people can earn money online using the skills. Using Upwork you can find different type of work related to writing. Writing is not very easy to find on Upwork but if you find out or got the project of writing then next time is not difficult to find.

Fiverr jobs:

Fiverr is the another great platform for new writer where they can explore their writing skills to make money online. Fiverr provide basic project like $5 up to thousands of dollars. Also there is other many platforms where physically you can get jobs in market.

Types of writing:

There are to main types of writing academic and non academic.

Academic writing:

 The academic writing the process of writing about curriculum subject or topic related to school, collage and university.  Such type of work only handle by the certified person on this subject. Academic writing is more thought the non-academic.

Non-academic writing on Fiverr:

Non academic is the generally sharing knowledge about something to audience. Non-academic is mostly used in blogs and article.


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